God Motivation is the state wherein the Christian is fueled solely by God and toward God to the glory of God.
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Saturday, October 18, 2008

God Motivation and the Abortion Issue

The topic of abortion has been a dividing subject lately. The left is irritated that the right makes it such a central issue, and the right is bewildered that abortion can be treated with anything less than detestation. The second is where I reside. Only I have been past the point of bewilderment to downright anger. I hope that what follows here will be one of righteous indignation and not senseless ranting.

Of course one of the main reasons that the pro-life/pro-choice debate has been given so much attention lately is because of the approaching presidential election and where the democratic nominee, Barack Obama, stands on this issue. But more on that shortly. Surrounding the upcoming election are many personal conversations: ones at work, with family, on Facebook, etc. Some of the comments that I've been hearing from the pro-choice side have included indignance over any suggestion that they don't value life as much and pro-lifers, annoyance over the fact that there are so many bad home situations out there that babies are born into, and ardent defense of Obama because he wants "fewer abortions."

Let's take the first of those comments: Someone who is pro-choice values life just as much as someone who is pro-life. Really. I'm going to have to say that for a pro-choicer to argue such, there is only one way for that to hold water; he/she has to say that the unborn do not constitute life. The pro-life stance is that all life is equally valuable and should be protected. Unless a pro-choice individual tries to argue that the unborn do not fall into the category of human life, he/she does not agree with the pro-life stance of lives being equally valuable across the board. In other words, pro-choice advocates value choice over some stages of human life. Or they could even say it another way: A woman's choice is sometimes more valuable than the life of an unborn child. That is a sick statement filled with selfishness, but at least it is an honest one. Now if one wants to argue that the unborn are not human lives, so be it. There isn't much to stand on in that camp, at least nothing much beyond personal hunches or attempts to escape the reality of what is being done in an abortion. "It can't live on it's own, so it isn't really a life" some might say. I suppose then that we ought to take everyone off of medications that are keeping them living. Diabetics perhaps? Come on. No sane pro-lifer (yes, there are insane ones out there) is going to accuse pro-choice supporters of wanting to kill all the babies in the world, but please, let's be honest in what our stances really mean.

The second statement: There are so many bad home situations that babies are born into (so we should abort some of them before they make it there). It is true that there are scores of bad situations in the world and that many babies are conceived through terrible instances (rape, incest, and the like), but again, do we kill the innocent because situations were/are bad? Please, if you know anyone contemplating abortion because of the rough situation (or any situation) they were/are in, let Gen and I know and we'll do all that we can to adopt the baby or find someone else who is able to. I'll admit that this is a place where we as the church need to stand up and take more action. God motivation is the ultimate answer which means people need the gospel that they might see their need for the Savior, understand the sanctity of marriage (as the only place for sexual expression), and value all life made in God's image. Archaic? Dream world? Beyond what is realistic? I guess this is one area where I'll quote Obama: "Hope and Change!" My God delivers both in a way that none of us ever could on our own. I have hope for change that leads us back to Him, where He drives us at our core, influencing our every thought and action, and stands before us as the One we simply must have more of.

Third: Obama wants "fewer abortions." I'm sorry, is that really supposed to be comforting coming from his lips? This is a man who, when talking about his hypothetical grandchild would fear that his daughter might feel punished with a baby after making a "mistake". This is a man who talks about taking care of "the least of these" but doesn't insist that babies born alive after botched abortions need to be cared for or that partial birth abortions are simply wrong. I know, I know, he tries to skirt the issue on these things now that the election is nearly here, but there is certainly evidence that can point to where he truly stands. I simply could not find myself voting for a man who thinks with the above logic. My aim here is not to be pro-McCain, but it is to express my frustration with Obama and those who support him because he supposedly has good "economic plans." Once again, I have to say, "Really?!" I guess we do love our money.

Lord, I know that I have sinned against You and others in the past months while thinking and talking about this issue. My anger has not always been righteous. Please fill me and motivate me more in every way, and please open up our eyes to see the horrificness of abortion. Please work in your church that we might be a light to those in darkness and a place for the unwanted. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Benjamin Murphy said...

I don't understand how any Christian could vote for a candidate that is pro-choice. I don't know of any issue that is more important than the protection of innocent life. I don't know how a society can sink any lower than condoning the killing of the innocent. God is not mocked. What we as a country sew, we will also reap. I am aware that some Christians are considering the war in Iraq or capital punishment when choosing a candidate, but if anyone proclaiming to be a Christian is voting for Obama over a pro-life candidate because of economic issues, it is clear to me that they are either ignorant on his stance on abortion, do not understand what abortion is, or they love their pocket books more than God. Of course that is what abortion always boils down to anyway--selfishness and the worship of self by putting one's self in the place of God to take away life. God motivation leads us to allow God to be the giver and taker of human life and to value, love, and protect the life He has created.

Benjamin Murphy said...

I also believe that abortion--the deliberate killing of the innocent is far worse than the horrors of the war in Iraq and the accidental wrongful use of the death penalty for those who are innocent of the crime of which they are convicted. At least these people have a trial--a chance to defend themselves, and their wrongful execution is not intentional. When considering abortion, we are talking about the intentional, deliberate murder of those who are defenseless--incapable of defending themselves. Furthermore, there is no question of their innocence. Yet they are treated worse than suspected murderers or rapists. For those completely opposed to the death penalty, even Obama supports the death penalty for certain crimes that he considers reprehensible.

Seth said...

Ben, your comments here are so helpful, insightful, and encouraging to me personally as this post was more of an emotionally charged one...even though what is in it is what I totally believe with my head as well. Thanks brother.

Kelsey Sliger said...


Thank you for this! You said all of the things that have been on my heart these past few weeks. The only thing that I can find rest in during this election year is God's sovereignty. Otherwise, I'd be scared to death! :-) Meanwhile, we can strive to do our part, be His instruments, and expose abortion for what it really is.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

seth- Your words are welcoming-i battle constantly with NYC christians about your very arguments (they haven't changed me)

Seth said...

Thanks Regina! So good to hear from you! Wish we could have made it to the get together you had awhile back. Stay strong in the Lord, my friend!