For any who still frequent this blog, I thought it good to inform you that the posts will likely from here forward be different in nature. After prayerful consideration and receiving counsel from others, it seemed best to focus most of the writing for God Motivation in book form. At times, I will likely include excerpts here from that work for any who might be interested. Although I know it's often cliche to say so, I would so much appreciate your prayers for this project, that God would do with me and it what would be most glorifying to Him. To help you to pray, here is a snippet from what I worked on earlier today:
...over time, as I have worked through some of the application of the subject, this statement came to mind. “God Motivation is accomplished when God becomes the ultimate Because to all of life's whys. In other words, if someone asks me why I am writing this book, I want my answer, in complete truth, to ultimately be, “God, that's why.” I want to write it because He is doing something to steer me, as if He were standing behind me with His hands upon my shoulders guiding me in a certain direction. I want to write it because He is doing something within me, urging my soul to put something together regarding this subject. I want to write it because as I look beyond me, I behold Him as One that I want to strain ahead toward, building and spreading understanding of Him with pen in hand. He is why I want to write this book...or to do anything at all.
Please pray that I would work through this project, to whatever end is in store for it, with God motivation.
I wish you luck with writing your book cousin.
A daunting task without question.
Love you guys,
Yes its my first post... But I have read all of them since you started. With our perspectives being so different Its been tough for me comment. But I do appreciate your convictions on motivating the ones you love.
That means a lot, Matt:) Thanks and love you too.
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